BRAINBO! : The newest creation from Ziss is a new, quickfire card game that will twist your brain in new directions. This is our first game design and following extensive testing and then crowdfunding, we successfully raised funds to create the actual product and it can now be found on Amazon, eBay, ETSY and some UK independent toy shops. This dynamic game involves 2-6 players trying to colour-word match to the current card before anyone else. The way that the game is played means that a 7 year-old can match a 57 year-old no problem!
BRAINBO! The new simple, fun, colourful and infuriatingly fun card game from ZISS Games. BRAINBO! Is a quick-fire game in the mould of others like UNO and Jungle Speed that requires attention, intuition, concentration and Jedi-like mind-control. It's a game for 2-6 players from about 6 years old, takes 2 minutes to explain, 10 minutes to play but a lifetime to master! Take it on holiday, play at home, on the beach, in a bar... family and friends will love trying to master BRAINBO! After seeing an article relating to the Stroop erffect and with years of design, and gameplay under my belt, I found myself designing a new card game. After a few prototypes and some initial testing I realised that BRAINBO! had real potential and more importantly a purity and simplicity perhaps lacking in other Stroop-type games.
The next release will be a French-language version with a new, funky name! Keep your eyes peeled for it....